
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Moreshead. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Moreshead, Alexander James January 18, 1871
Moreshead, Anne Myrtle May 16, 1900
Moreshead, Belle  
Moreshead, Catherine Caroline June 8, 1849
Moreshead, Catherine Caroline Carrie 1869
Moreshead, Catherine Jennie about 1857
Moreshead, Charlotte McNaught August 8, 1865
Moreshead, David McLean June 3, 1880
Moreshead, Edward Robert June 19, 1843
Moreshead, Eleanor Gorrill February 10, 1891
Moreshead, Elizabeth 1842
Moreshead, Elizabeth November 14, 1873
Moreshead, Elizabeth Ada July 29, 1875
Moreshead, Emily 1874
Moreshead, George John 1841
Moreshead, George John December 16, 1908
Moreshead, Georgiana March 26, 1871
Moreshead, Gladys Mildred December 20, 1902
Moreshead, Ina Iva Eunica November 1906
Moreshead, Joanna June 1882
Moreshead, John 1804
Moreshead, John June 24, 1833
Moreshead, John 1871
Moreshead, John Ashton February 4, 1867
Moreshead, John Dickenson December 14, 1882
Moreshead, John Nelson July 10, 1860
Moreshead, Joseph October 20, 1846
Moreshead, Joseph Daniel Hodgson July 3, 1873
Moreshead, Lemuel November 14, 1869
Moreshead, Mary July 27, 1835
Moreshead, Mary March 28, 1878
Moreshead, Mary Ann July 6, 1858
Moreshead, Mary Bridget 1892
Moreshead, Melvin Roy February 2, 1894
Moreshead, Minnie Irene December 1904
Moreshead, Nicholas 1837
Moreshead, Olive Josephine April 14, 1898
Moreshead, Orrell Irma June 1908
Moreshead, Parmenas Permineus Wellington November 7, 1867
Moreshead, Sophia Jane April 13, 1852
Moreshead, Thomas Edward April 5, 1864
Moreshead, William November 7, 1830
Moreshead, William Daniel Donald July 20, 1868
Moreshead, Wilson Miles June 24, 1886