New Brunswick, Canada
- Downing, Elizabeth (0000-00-00 Birth)
- Astle, Albert Alfred M. Leonard (0000-00-00)
- Taylor, Isabelle Louisa (0000-00-00)
- Family of Astle, Albert Alfred M. Leonard and Taylor, Isabelle Louisa
- Langill, Augustus W. (0000-00-00 Birth)
- McIntosh, Susan (0000-00-00 Birth)
- McIntosh, Norman (0000-00-00 Birth)
- Shirley, Thomas Howard Sr. (0000-00-00 Birth)
- McKay, Archibald (about 1781 Birth)
- Bryant, William Patricious (about 1795 Birth)
- Foy, John (about 1795 Birth)
- Drummond, Mary (about 1805 Birth)
- Burchill, Joseph (1805 Birth)
- Vye, Elizabeth (about 1805 Birth)
- Ledden, Jane (1806 Birth)
- Rogers, Robert (1809 Birth)
- Little, Catherine (1813 Birth)
- Joudry, Ann (1814 Birth)
- Urquhart, John (September 23, 1814 Death)
- Purdy, Charlotte Tamar (about 1816 Birth)
- Foy, Mary (about 1817 Birth)
- Horton, Mary Ann (about 1819 Birth)
- Downing, Julianna (1820 Birth)
- Beattie, Elizabeth (about 1820 Birth)
- Family of McKendrick, Michael and Estey, Louise
- McKendrick, Michael (November 2, 1820)
- Estey, Louise (November 2, 1820)
- Campbell, Charles (1821 Birth)
- McKendrick, Mary (1822 Birth)
- Mersereau, Grace Isabelle (1823 Birth)
- Rogers, Matilda (March 10, 1823 Birth)
- McKendrick, Ann (1824 Birth)
- McGougan, Duncan (December 31, 1824 Birth)
- Strahorn, Mary (about 1825 Birth)
- Montgomery, James (1825 Birth)
- McDougall, Elizabeth (January 15, 1825 Birth)
- Family of Montgomery, George and Ramsay, Margaret
- Montgomery, George (January 21, 1825)
- Ramsay, Margaret (January 21, 1825)
- McRae, Sarah Anne (about 1826 Birth)
- Copeland, Gavin (1826 Birth)
- Unknown, Margaret (1826 Birth)
- Mullaly, Edward (1826 Birth)
- Murl, Thomas (1826 Birth)
- McKendrick, Daniel Donald (1827 Birth)
- Montgomery, Donald (1827 Birth)
- Campbell, Rebecca (1827 Birth)
- Family of McKendrick, Donald and McParthan, Ann
- Unknown, Margaret (1827 Birth)
- McKendrick, Donald (1827)
- McParthan, Ann (1827)
- McDougall, David (February 20, 1827 Birth)
- Taylor, Ruth (August 1, 1827 Birth)
- McKendrick, Louisa (1829 Birth)
- McDougall, Alexander (January 10, 1829 Birth)
- McDonald, Margaret (about 1831 Birth)
- McDougall, John (about 1831 Birth)
- Bryant, Maria Ellen (August 27, 1831 Birth)
- Stewart, Daniel Donald (about 1832 Birth)
- McKillop, Penelope (about 1832 Birth)
- Montgomery, Eliza (1832 Birth)
- McKendrick, Annabella (1832 Birth)
- Clements, Philip (1832 Birth)
- Wigmore, Henry (March 29, 1832 Birth)
- Rogers, Lydia Ann (April 10, 1832 Birth)
- McDougall, James (October 10, 1832 Birth)
- McDougall, Hannah (about 1833 Birth)
- McDougall, John (March 31, 1833 Birth)
- Oulton, Robert Trenholm (1834 Birth)
- Montgomery, Christian (1834 Birth)
- McKillop, Jane (about 1834 Birth)
- McClenaghan, Jane (1835 Birth)
- McKendrick, Rachel (1835 Birth)
- Lewis, William (1835 Birth)
- McKendrick, Hugh (1835 Birth)
- Montgomery, Martha (1835 Birth)
- Montgomery, John (1835 Birth)
- Shore, George W. (about 1836 Birth)
- McKendrick, John (1836 Birth)
- Crouse, Henry Elijah (1836 Birth)
- McKillop, Catherine (about 1836 Birth)
- Bryant, Sarah Jane (January 1, 1836 Death)
- McDougall, Thomas (1837 Birth)
- Stewart, Robert (1837 Birth)
- Harvey, James (about 1837 Birth)
- Shirley, John (1837 Birth)
- Murray, Margaret (July 11, 1837 Birth)
- Ryan, James (September 10, 1837 Birth)
- McKendrick, Amanda (1838 Birth)
- Robertson, Hannah Maria Mary Ann (1838 Birth)
- McKillop, Angus (about 1838 Birth)
- Breen, Rebecca (about 1838 Birth)
- Briggs, Diodama Diodamy (1838 Birth)
- Scott, James Creighton (June 20, 1838 Birth)
- McDougall, James (October 27, 1838 Birth)
- Burchill, John (December 15, 1838 Birth)
- Harvey, John (about 1839 Birth)
- Abbott, Jane (June 27, 1839)
- Family of Woodside, Andrew and Abbott, Jane
- Woodside, Andrew (June 27, 1839)
- Family of McArthur, John and Rogers, Matilda
- Rogers, Matilda (July 19, 1839)
- McArthur, John (July 19, 1839)
- McKillop, Clementina (about 1840 Birth)
- McDonald, John D. (1840 Birth)
- Murray, Ann Phila (about 1840 Birth)
- Woodside, Jane (May 18, 1840 Birth)
- Fenton, William (May 23, 1840 Birth)
- McArthur, Margaret Jane (August 14, 1840 Birth)
- Burchill, George S. (December 26, 1840 Birth)
- McKendrick, Malcolm David (about 1841 Birth)
- Ramsay, Agnes (1841 Birth)
- Montgomery, Eliza (about 1841 Birth)
- Harvey, Ann (1841 Birth)
- Montgomery, Elizabeth Ann (about 1841 Birth)
- McKendrick, Matilda (1841 Birth)
- Card, Ann Maria (1842 Birth)
- McArthur, Lydia Ann (1842 Birth)
- McKillop, Flora (about 1842 Birth)
- Woodside, William H. (1842 Birth)
- Foy, Mary Ann (about 1842 Birth)
- McKendrick, John (about 1842 Birth)
- Murray, Theophilis (May 4, 1842 Birth)
- McKillop, Mary (about 1843 Birth)
- Campbell, Peter (about 1843 Birth)
- Harvey, Mary (1843 Birth)
- McArthur, Jane (May 8, 1843 Birth)
- Thompson, Annie (1844 Birth)
- McArthur, William Henry (1844 Birth)
- Foy, John (about 1844 Birth)
- McKendrick, Mary (1844 Birth)
- Montgomery, Nancy (1844 Birth)
- McDougall, Michael (1844 Birth)
- Family of McDougall, John and Mersereau, Grace Isabelle
- McDougall, John (January 18, 1844)
- Mersereau, Grace Isabelle (January 18, 1844)
- Ramsay, Benjamin (August 11, 1844)
- Rolfe, Margaret (August 11, 1844)
- Family of Ramsay, Benjamin and Rolfe, Margaret
- McKendrick, James (about 1845 Birth)
- McArthur, Alexander - NB (1845 Birth)
- McKillop, Margaret (about 1845 Birth)
- McDonald, Catherine (about 1845 Birth)
- McDougall, Alexander Roderick (about 1845 Birth)
- Ramsay, Mary (1845 Birth)
- Harvey, Barbara (about 1845 Birth)
- McDougall, Rebecca (February 25, 1845 Birth)
- McDougall, Eliza Ann (June 1845 Birth)
- Hargrove, William Henry (August 30, 1845 Birth)
- McKendrick, Mary (1846 Birth)
- Montgomery, Mary Jane (1846 Birth)
- Estey, Louise (1846 Death)
- McArthur, Maryanne (1846 Birth)
- McArthur, Gilbert (1846 Birth)
- Family of Alexander, Thomas and McKillop, Ann
- Alexander, Thomas (January 1, 1846)
- McKillop, Ann (January 1, 1846)
- McLean, John (February 6, 1846 Birth)
- McArthur, Mary (1847 Birth)
- McArthur, William (1847 Birth)
- McKillop, Alexina (about 1847 Birth)
- Steele, Mary (1847 Birth)
- Foy, Elizabeth (October 18, 1847 Birth)
- Ramsay, Jane (about 1848 Birth)
- Alward, Isaiah Ingram (about 1848 Birth)
- Harvey, Flora (1848 Birth)
- McDougall, George Amos (about 1848 Birth)
- Strang, Melvina (1848 Birth)
- Foy, Christine (February 14, 1848 Birth)
- McKendrick, Michael (December 13, 1848)
- Family of McKendrick, Michael and White, Mary
- White, Mary (December 13, 1848)
- McDougall, Peter - NB (1849 Birth)
- Montgomery, Christy E. (1849 Birth)
- Gibson, Isaac H. (about 1850 Birth)
- Foy, Gloriana Glornice (about 1850 Birth)
- Harvey, Thomas (1850 Birth)
- McDougall, Hugh (about 1850 Birth)
- Price, George A. (October 1850 Birth)
- McArthur, Mary Jane (December 25, 1850 Birth)
- Mullaly, Mary J. (1851 Birth)
- Wallace Heffer, Margaret (1851 Birth)
- McArthur, Lilly (1851 Birth)
- Crandall, Mary (1851 Death)
- McDougall, William Thomas (August 21, 1851 Baptism)
- McDougall, William Thomas (November 5, 1851 Birth)
- McDougall, Mary (about 1852 Birth)
- Campbell, Catherine (1852 Birth)
- McArthur, Ann (about 1852 Birth)
- Stevenson, George (1852)
- Heffer, Thomas (1852)
- Family of Stevenson, George and Campbell, Jane
- Family of Heffer, Thomas and Scaboria Scoboria Scarboria, Mary
- Scaboria Scoboria Scarboria, Mary (1852)
- Campbell, Jane (1852)
- McArthur, Isabella (February 11, 1852 Birth)
- McArthur, Catherine (December 23, 1852 Birth)
- Hierlihy, James H. (1853 Birth)
- Heffer, John (1853 Birth)
- McLean, Mary (March 1, 1853 Birth)
- McKillop, Jane (March 17, 1853)
- Family of Copeland, Gavin and McKillop, Jane
- Copeland, Gavin (March 17, 1853)
- Ward, Isabella (April 6, 1853 Birth)
- McArthur, Sarah Smith (April 16, 1853 Birth)
- Stevenson, Thomas Clark (1854 Birth)
- McDougall, William A. (1854 Birth)
- McLean, Alexander (1854 Birth)
- McArthur, William (about 1854 Birth)
- Blakney, Amanda (August 9, 1854 Birth)
- Atkinson, Margaret Amelia Minnie (September 23, 1854 Birth)
- McArthur, Gilbert (1855 Birth)
- Abbott, Mary Elizabeth (1855 Birth)
- Heffer, Thomas R. (1855 Birth)
- Copeland, Alexander (about 1855 Birth)
- Family of McDougall, James and Briggs, Diodama Diodamy
- Fiddler, Sarah Jane (1855 Birth)
- Briggs, Diodama Diodamy (about 1855)
- McDougall, James (about 1855)
- McArthur, Margaret Lydia (February 10, 1855 Birth)
- Dyment, Robert (August 10, 1855 Birth)
- McArthur, Isabella (1856 Birth)
- Stevenson, Charles Marquis (1856 Birth)
- Lee, Minnie (1856 Birth)
- Acton, Sophia (1856 Birth)
- Mountain, James (January 21, 1856)
- Family of Mountain, James and McClenaghan, Jane
- McClenaghan, Jane (January 21, 1856)
- Campbell, Alexander - Lot 21 (October 29, 1856 Death)
- Abbott, Albro Allen Allan (1857 Birth)
- Fiddler, Margaret (1857 Birth)
- Russell, John Black (1857 Birth)
- McArthur, Amelia (1857 Birth)
- Mullaly, Elizabeth (1857 Birth)
- Shirley, William Fredericson (December 30, 1857)
- Robertson, Sarah (December 30, 1857)
- Family of Shirley, William Fredericson and Robertson, Sarah
- McArthur, Thomas (about 1858 Birth)
- Stevenson, James Alexander (1858 Birth)
- Howell, Mary Alice (about 1858 Birth)
- McKillop, Angus (1858 Death)
- Bryant, Jabez Mills (February 14, 1858 Birth)
- Stewart, Charles (February 24, 1858 Birth)
- Steele, Grace (May 19, 1858 Birth)
- McArthur, Thomas N. (May 23, 1858 Birth)
- Boyce, Olive Augusta (September 20, 1858 Birth)
- McArthur, Jemima (October 8, 1858 Birth)
- Family of Shirley, John and Robertson, Sophia Agnes
- Shirley, John (November 16, 1858)
- Robertson, Sophia Agnes (November 16, 1858)
- Dyment, John (December 12, 1858 Birth)
- Stevenson, Jane (1859 Birth)
- McArthur, Elizabeth (1859 Birth)
- Fiddler, Hannah (1859 Birth)
- Bryant, Mariah Helen (1859 Birth)
- Barnett, Alexander (1859 Birth)
- Shirley, Samuel Robertson (1859 Birth)
- Sullivan, Margaret (August 23, 1859)
- McDougall, John (August 23, 1859)
- Family of McDougall, John and Sullivan, Margaret
- Bryant, Catherine Esther (December 27, 1859 Birth)
- McDougall, Isabella Catherine (1860 Birth)
- Abbott, Leonard Thomas Mortimer (1860 Birth)
- Bernard, Alexander (about 1860 Birth)
- Bryant, Mary Ann Almina (1860 Birth)
- McLean, John Freeman (February 1860 Birth)
- Family of Stewart, Dugald and McKendrick, Louisa Jane
- McKendrick, Louisa Jane (March 5, 1860)
- Stewart, Dugald (March 5, 1860)
- Dyment, Sophia Jane Jennie (December 22, 1860 Birth)
- McDougall, Sarah A. (about 1861 Birth)
- McIntosh, Michael (1861 Death)
- McKillop, Jane (before 1861 Death)
- Ramsay, Jane Jennie (before 1861 Death)
- McGeoch, Robert J. A. (1861 Birth)
- McDougall, Anna M. (1861 Birth)
- McArthur, Eliza Catherine (1861 Birth)
- McArthur, Georgina (1861 Birth)
- McKillop, Alexander (before 1861 Death)
- McDougall, Peter- NB (before 1861 Death)
- McArthur, John M. (January 7, 1861 Birth)
- Jones, Phoebe M. (April 14, 1861 Birth)
- Dixon, Charles R. (April 17, 1861 Birth)
- Masson, Mary Ann Frances (June 1861 Birth)
- Douglass, Maria Jane (September 1861 Birth)
- Walls, Charles (November 12, 1861)
- McKinnon, Mary (November 12, 1861)
- Family of Walls, Charles and McKinnon, Mary
- Linton, George (1862)
- Fiddler, Hannah (1862)
- Family of Linton, George and Fiddler, Hannah
- Stewart, Andrew (1862 Birth)
- McDougall, Jane Sarah Sadie (1862 Birth)
- Heffer, Eliza Withrow (January 1862 Birth)
- Stewart, Robert (May 1862 Death)
- Family of Fiddler, James and Stewart, Adelaide
- Stewart, Adelaide (June 7, 1862 Marriage)
- Fiddler, James (June 7, 1862)
- Bryant, Charlotte Alice (October 1862 Birth)
- McDougall, Duncan (1863 Birth)
- McDougall, Elizabeth Newton (1863 Birth)
- McDougall, Jessie Catherine (1863 Birth)
- Family of Bowser, George and Card, Ann Maria
- Bowser, George (1863)
- Fiddler, John (1863 Birth)
- Card, Ann Maria (1863)
- Lindsay, Andrew (1863 Birth)
- McArthur, Margaret Jane (January 27, 1863)
- Family of Smythe, William Clarke and McArthur, Margaret Jane
- Smythe, William Clarke (January 27, 1863)
- Astle, Alexander Daniel (April 6, 1863)
- McDougall, Elizabeth Ellen (April 6, 1863)
- Family of Astle, Alexander Daniel and McDougall, Elizabeth Ellen
- McArthur, Hannah Alice (June 23, 1863 Birth)
- McArthur, William Neil (December 17, 1863 Birth)
- Smythe, Wycliffe (1864 Birth)
- Copeland, Alexander (January 31, 1864 Death)
- Bryant, William Havelock (August 7, 1864 Birth)
- McDougall, Mary Jane Jessie (December 22, 1864 Birth)
- McDougall, John Foy (December 26, 1864 Birth)
- McDougall, A. James (1865 Birth)
- Stevenson, Susan A. (1865 Birth)
- Hiltz, Andrew Dykeman (1865 Birth)
- Robertson, William W. (about 1865 Birth)
- McArthur, Eleanor Cordelia Delia (1865 Birth)
- McArthur, Armina Jane Annie Jennie (1865 Birth)
- Brown, Rachel Rebecca (January 6, 1865 Birth)
- Fiddler, Arthur (July 4, 1865 Birth)
- McDougall, Catherine Kate (September 1865 Birth)
- Family of Scott, James Creighton and Abbott, Charity Jane
- Scott, James Creighton (December 27, 1865)
- Abbott, Charity Jane (December 27, 1865)
- McArthur, Alexina (1866 Birth)
- Lindsay, William (1866 Birth)
- Forsythe, John (1866)
- McDougall, Annie (1866 Birth)
- McKendrick, Amanda (1866)
- Hamilton, David (1866 Birth)
- Masson, Emma Charity (1866 Birth)
- Family of Forsythe, John and McKendrick, Amanda
- Astle, John Robert (January 7, 1866 Birth)
- Knox, William J (July 23, 1866 Birth)
- Foy, Christine (October 23, 1866)
- Family of McDougall, Charles and Foy, Christine
- McDougall, Charles (October 23, 1866)
- Harper, Margaret Maggie (1867 Birth)
- Montgomery, John (1867 Death)
- McArthur, Melvina (1867 Birth)
- Lindsay, George (1867 Birth)
- McIntosh, Susan (January 16, 1867)
- Shirley, Thomas Howard Sr. (January 16, 1867)
- Family of Shirley, Thomas Howard Sr. and McIntosh, Susan
- McArthur, Hugh (January 22, 1867 Birth)
- Ramsay, Lillian Rebecca (October 12, 1867 Birth)
- Ramsay, Charles Stewart Sr. (October 22, 1867)
- Brander, Mary Ann (October 22, 1867)
- Family of Ramsay, Charles Stewart Sr. and Brander, Mary Ann
- Ramsay, Charles Wesley (October 28, 1867 Birth)
- Bryant, Minnie McRae (November 11, 1867 Birth)
- White, Katherine (December 8, 1867 Birth)
- McArthur, Mary Josephine (1868 Birth)
- McDougall, Susan (1868 Birth)
- Kirkland, Agnes Sophia (1868 Birth)
- Kendrick McKendrick, Wilhelmina (1868 Birth)
- McDonald, Emma (1868 Birth)
- Fiddler, Louisa Albina (1868 Birth)
- Harper, Sarah Helen (1868 Birth)
- Gillis, William W (April 26, 1868 Birth)
- Heffer, Charlotte Lottie (May 1868 Birth)
- Poole, Susan S. (August 10, 1868 Birth)
- Lee, Harry (1869 Birth)
- Knox, Isabelle Glendenning (1869 Birth)
- Family of Humphrey, David B. and Stewart, Adelaide
- Stewart, Adelaide (about 1869)
- Oak, George (1869 Birth)
- Fiddler, James (before 1869 Death)
- McArthur, George Jr. (1869 Birth)
- Lindsay, Florence (1869 Birth)
- Robertson, Mary Elizabeth (1869 Birth)
- Humphrey, David B. (about 1869)
- Bell, George Daniel (March 1869 Birth)
- Ramsay, Clarence Clifford (March 17, 1869 Birth)
- Linforth, Harry (April 1869 Birth)
- Harper, George (July 23, 1869 Birth)
- McArthur, Lydia (August 6, 1869 Birth)
- Masson, Jessie Evelyn (about 1870 Birth)
- Lindsay, Newton (1870 Birth)
- McDougall, David E. (1870 Birth)
- Webster, Gertrude (1870 Birth)
- Gillis, Novella (1870 Birth)
- Humphrey, Jannett Bowman (1870 Birth)
- Miller, Margaret (February 1870 Birth)
- Ramsay, Jane Maria (June 1870 Birth)
- Astle, Albert Alfred M. Leonard (June 15, 1870 Birth)
- McKendrick, Michael (December 1870 Death)
- Knox, May (1871 Birth)
- Garland, Alice Maude Mary (about 1871 Birth)
- Family of Frost, Shepherd J. and Ramsay, Mary Jane
- Frost, Shepherd J. (1871)
- Unknown, Catherine (before 1871 Death)
- Ramsay, Mary Jane (1871)
- Brownlee, Agnes (1871 Birth)
- Heffer, Harry (1871 Birth)
- Robertson, Duncan (1871 Birth)
- Glendenning, Isabella (before 1871 Death)
- McArthur, Elizabeth (before 1871 Death)
- McDougall, Helena (1871 Birth)
- McClenaghan, James (before 1871 Death)
- McDougall Sullivan, Eliza Ann (February 7, 1871)
- Campbell, Peter (February 7, 1871)
- Family of Campbell, Peter and McDougall Sullivan, Eliza Ann
- McDougall, James H (March 1871 Birth)
- Ramsay, Archibald Archie (May 23, 1871)
- Card, Ann Maria (May 23, 1871)
- Family of Ramsay, Archibald Archie and Card, Ann Maria
- Humphrey, Gladys Sophia (July 3, 1871 Birth)
- Rideout, Catherine Jane (July 26, 1871)
- MacLean, John Seymour (July 26, 1871)
- Family of MacLean, John Seymour and Rideout, Catherine Jane
- West, Ella May (October 22, 1871 Birth)
- McPherson, Charlotte (1872 Birth)
- Kendrick McKendrick, Frederick Allan (1872 Birth)
- McLean, Helena (1872 Birth)
- Ledden, Jane (1872 Death)
- Stewart, Jessie Agnes (1872 Birth)
- McArthur, Clara Belle (1872 Birth)
- Gillis, Hannah (May 1872 Birth)
- Reece Griffin, Elizabeth (July 22, 1872 Birth)
- Bryant, Catherine (September 25, 1872)
- Family of Bulmer, John and Bryant, Catherine
- Bulmer, John (September 25, 1872)
- McArthur, Grace (October 21, 1872 Birth)
- Gillis, J. Thomas (1873 Birth)
- Blakeley, Eliza (1873 Birth)
- Beach, William Layton (1873 Birth)
- Walls, Lavinia (about 1873 Birth)
- Stuart, Mary (May 1873 Birth)
- West, Mary Jane (November 1873 Birth)
- McArthur, Mary (1874 Death)
- McDougall, George Manson (1874 Birth)
- Murl, Mary Ann Annie (1874 Birth)
- Knox, Jennie (1874 Birth)
- McArthur, John (1874 Birth)
- McArthur, Florence Loise (February 1874 Birth)
- White, Mary (February 5, 1874 Death)
- Family of McDougall, William Thomas and Foy, Gloriana Glornice
- McDougall, William Thomas (February 15, 1874)
- Foy, Gloriana Glornice (February 15, 1874)
- McDougall, James Guy (March 24, 1874 Birth)
- Linforth, Herbert (May 10, 1874 Birth)
- Slack, William James (June 27, 1874 Birth)
- Scott, Alma J (1875 Birth)
- Astle, Eliza Ann Annie (1875 Birth)
- McDougall, James Nelson (1875 Birth)
- Smiler Smiley, Eliza Ann (1875 Birth)
- Magee, Nettie Louise (about 1875 Birth)
- Lee, Annie (1875 Birth)
- Smythe, Havelock Campbell (January 1, 1875 Birth)
- Mullaly, Patrick (February 20, 1875 Birth)
- Campbell, Mary (March 3, 1875 Death)
- McArthur, Lilly (July 3, 1875 Death)
- McArthur, Jabez Henry (October 25, 1875 Birth)
- Ramsay, Alma Almira May (1876 Birth)
- Kendrick McKendrick, Florence May (1876 Birth)
- Briggs, Inez Martha (1876 Birth)
- Bulmer, Isabella Marie (1876 Birth)
- Alward, Sarah Thomson (April 20, 1876)
- Family of McArthur, Robert - Lot 14 and Alward, Sarah Thomson
- McArthur, Robert - Lot 14 (April 20, 1876)
- Murphy, Simon (June 12, 1876)
- Family of Murphy, Simon and McArthur, Catherine
- McArthur, Catherine (June 12, 1876)
- Family of McDougall, Allan Purdy and Ball, Eliza
- Ball, Eliza (July 6, 1876)
- McDougall, Allan Purdy (July 6, 1876)
- McLean, Catherine (July 11, 1876 Birth)
- Gillis, James Edward (August 6, 1876 Birth)
- Walls, Peter Howard (September 26, 1876 Birth)
- Murl, Phemie Phebe Euphemia Jane (December 12, 1876 Birth)
- McDougall, Charles Wesley (December 16, 1876 Birth)
- McLean, Nathaniel (1877 Birth)
- McLean, Angus Ramsay (February 8, 1877 Birth)
- Lewis, Eva Alberta Iva (February 14, 1877 Birth)
- Murphy, John Thomas (March 23, 1877 Birth)
- McArthur, James Robert (June 1877 Birth)
- Knox, Mary R (October 15, 1877 Birth)
- Myshrall, Isaac Joseph C. (about 1878 Birth)
- Family of Rodd, Samuel and Fiddler, Hannah
- Fiddler, Margaret (1878)
- Scott, Emily Grace (1878 Death)
- Family of Betts, Ephraim William Linton and Fiddler, Margaret
- Rodd, Samuel (1878)
- Robb, Samuel (1878)
- Fiddler, William (1878 Death)
- Betts, Ephraim William Linton (1878)
- Family of Robb, Samuel
- Fiddler, Hannah (1878)
- Walls, Alice Elizabeth (1878 Birth)
- McDougall, Bismark (January 1, 1878 Birth)
- Gillis, Ada May (March 1878 Birth)
- McDougall, Archibald De Vere (June 17, 1878 Birth)
- Humphrey, Charles Bowman (September 1878)
- Family of Humphrey, Charles Bowman and Jones, Phoebe M.
- Jones, Phoebe M. (September 1878)
- Murphy, Leo J. (September 14, 1878 Birth)
- McDougall, Charles (November 14, 1878)
- Family of McDougall, Charles and Beau, Maria
- Beau, Maria (November 14, 1878)
- Bush, Augusta Catherine (December 1878 Birth)
- Murl, Walter (December 18, 1878 Birth)
- Price, Evangeline Augusta (about 1879 Birth)
- Gillespie, Ernest Burpee (1879 Birth)
- McArthur, May (1879 Birth)
- Fiddler Fidler, John (1879 Death)
- McArthur, Merritt (1879 Birth)
- Ramsay, Edith (1879 Birth)
- McLean, Adam Atchinson (February 8, 1879 Birth)
- Betts, Christina (1880 Birth)
- McKendrick, Neil (1880 Death)
- Campbell, Sarah (1880 Death)
- Thompson, Georgie Estella (1880 Birth)
- Gillis, Alfred A. T. (1880 Birth)
- McDougall, Lillian (February 20, 1880 Birth)
- McDougall, Annie Grace (March 16, 1880 Birth)
- Heffer, Arthur Wellington (April 10, 1880 Birth)
- Astle, Alexander Burton Bert (October 31, 1880 Birth)
- Warren, Elizabeth Lizzie (about 1881 Birth)
- Horton, Mary Ann (before 1881 Death)
- Vye, Elizabeth (before 1881 Death)
- Knox, John (before 1881 Death)
- Campbell, John (before 1881 Death)
- Robertson, William (before 1881 Death)
- Ellis, Elmira Almira (February 13, 1881 Death)
- Boyce, Charles (March 5, 1881 Birth)
- McLean, Donald William (March 21, 1881 Birth)
- Scott, Margaret Helen (May 15, 1881 Birth)
- McDougall, Alice Chesley (October 1881 Birth)
- Murphy, Richard Gerald Gervase Jarvis (October 7, 1881 Birth)
- Lister, Annie (November 5, 1881 Birth)
- Abbott, Albert Frederick (December 22, 1881 Birth)
- Jardine, Lucy Dickson (1882 Birth)
- McArthur, Rhoda (1882 Birth)
- McArthur, Alice Maude (1882 Birth)
- Boyce, William (April 5, 1882 Birth)
- Heffer, Gertie May (April 14, 1882 Birth)
- Bailey, Irene B. (December 15, 1882 Birth)
- Ramsay, William Watson (1883 Birth)
- Betts, Rutherford (1883 Birth)
- McLean, Mary Christiana (January 20, 1883 Birth)
- Wickett, Edith Pearl (April 1, 1883 Birth)
- McKay, Andrew (April 26, 1883 Birth)
- Milton, William Louis (May 27, 1883 Birth)
- Family of Bynon, Robert Muirhead and Johnstone, Millicent Ann Pope Millie
- Johnstone, Millicent Ann Pope Millie (July 2, 1883)
- Bynon, Robert Muirhead (July 2, 1883)
- McDougall, John (July 18, 1883)
- Family of McDougall, John and Ward, Isabella
- Ward, Isabella (July 18, 1883)
- Bryant, Jabez Mills (August 22, 1883)
- Family of Bryant, Jabez Mills and McArthur, Mary Anne
- McArthur, Mary Anne (August 22, 1883)
- Hopper, William John (September 1883 Birth)
- McDougall, William W. (October 15, 1883 Birth)
- Bryant, Eliza (1884 Birth)
- Stymest, Caroline Tamar Carrie (1884 Birth)
- Murphy, Veronica (February 17, 1884 Birth)
- McDougall, Elizabeth M (June 16, 1884 Birth)
- McKay, Matilda Jane (June 25, 1884 Birth)
- McDougall, Lorne Albert (July 17, 1884 Birth)
- Wickett, Ida Lois (August 7, 1884 Birth)
- Humphrey, Walter G. (August 28, 1884 Birth)
- Betts, Thomas S. (1885 Birth)
- Betts, Ellen Alice (about 1885 Birth)
- Ramsay, Beulah (February 25, 1885 Birth)
- Barnett, Alexander (September 8, 1885)
- Ellis, Olga (September 8, 1885)
- Family of Barnett, Alexander and Ellis, Olga
- Family of Ervin, Frederick Robert and Ramsay, Emily Emma McLean
- Ervin, Frederick Robert (November 17, 1885)
- Ramsay, Emily Emma McLean (November 17, 1885)
- Scott, Annie Belle (1886 Birth)
- Bryant, David (1886 Birth)
- McDougall, Bessie May (May 8, 1886 Birth)
- Laird, Lottie Pearl (August 27, 1886 Birth)
- Ramsay, Henry W. B. (September 2, 1886 Birth)
- Family of McDougall, John and Acton, Sophia
- McDougall, John (November 20, 1886)
- Acton, Sophia (November 20, 1886)
- McDougall, Newton Lee (1887 Birth)
- Dickeson, Joseph Henry (1887 Birth)
- Harvey, Alexander (1887 Death)
- Bailey, Grace K. (February 20, 1887 Birth)
- Ervin, Aubrey Wadman (March 22, 1887 Birth)
- Wickett, Alfred H. (August 13, 1887 Birth)
- Budd, John Oliver (1888 Birth)
- McDougall, Gordon Dewer (January 25, 1888 Birth)
- Family of Lister, John Walter Jr. and Humphrey, Jannett Bowman
- Humphrey, Jannett Bowman (May 8, 1888)
- Lister, John Walter Jr. (May 8, 1888)
- McKay, Wilfred Wilford (July 11, 1888 Birth)
- Heffer, Hazel Lilly Lillian (November 4, 1888 Birth)
- Stevenson, Hazen Everett (November 6, 1888 Birth)
- Hargrove, Nettie Mildred (1889 Birth)
- Coleman, Wilfred Cecil (1889 Birth)
- Betts, Ethel (1889 Birth)
- Fiddler, Edward (1889 Death)
- Laird, Levi (1889 Death)
- Thompson, Jairus E. (June 15, 1889)
- Family of Thompson, Jairus E. and Humphrey, Gladys Sophia
- Humphrey, Gladys Sophia (June 15, 1889)
- Barnett, George Ellis (October 2, 1889 Birth)
- McDougall, Eleanor Elizabeth (November 8, 1889 Birth)
- Ramsay, Flora (1890 Death)
- Russell, John (1890 Birth)
- Bryant, William (1890 Birth)
- Hargrove, Blois B (1890 Birth)
- Warman, Harriet Jane (February 22, 1890 Death)
- McDougall, Stanley (April 4, 1890 Birth)
- Bailey, Hugh Harold (July 20, 1890 Birth)
- Humphrey, Dorcas Selina (September 3, 1890)
- Dykeman, William Alexander (September 3, 1890)
- Family of Dykeman, William Alexander and Humphrey, Dorcas Selina
- Ramsay, Frederick (October 9, 1890 Birth)
- Johnstone, Ella Pearl (December 15, 1890 Birth)
- Steele, Mary (before 1891 Death)
- Hargrove, Hessie Alma (1891 Birth)
- McArthur, Ellen (before 1891 Death)
- McDougall, Hugh (before 1891 Death)
- Stewart, Barbara Jane (before 1891 Death)
- McArthur, Sarah (before 1891 Death)
- Murray, Margaret (January 7, 1891)
- Family of Waldron, Alexander and Murray, Margaret
- Waldron, Alexander (January 7, 1891)
- Wallace Heffer, Margaret (March 30, 1891 Death)
- Family of McArthur, William Neil and Burbridge, Elizabeth Cunard
- McArthur, William Neil (June 24, 1891)
- Burbridge, Elizabeth Cunard (June 24, 1891)
- McDougall, James Albert (October 20, 1891)
- Pelton, Mary Isabel (October 20, 1891)
- Family of McDougall, James Albert and Pelton, Mary Isabel
- McArthur, Donald (October 30, 1891 Death)
- McDougall, Jane Sarah Sadie (November 25, 1891)
- Benner Brenner, Charles (November 25, 1891)
- Family of McDougall, Jane Sarah Sadie and Benner Brenner, Charles
- McDougall, Ethel J. (February 1892 Birth)
- McDougall, Jane Sarah Sadie (March 31, 1892 Death)
- Mullaly, Johanna (December 7, 1892)
- Mullins, Albert (December 7, 1892)
- Family of Mullins, Albert and Mullaly, Johanna
- Heffer, Harry (1893 Death)
- Russell, Frances Maud (1893 Birth)
- McDougall, Edna Melissa (1893 Birth)
- Family of McDougall, Charles Sydney and Smiler Smiley, Eliza Ann
- Smiler Smiley, Eliza Ann (March 29, 1893)
- McDougall, Charles Sydney (March 29, 1893)
- McDougall, Archibald Dougal (April 1893 Birth)
- Betts, Arthur (April 1, 1893 Birth)
- Family of Astle, John Robert and Walls, Lavinia
- Astle, John Robert (April 11, 1893)
- Walls, Lavinia (April 11, 1893)
- Heffer, Harry Lockhart (May 31, 1893 Birth)
- McDougall, James Archibald Archie (June 7, 1893 Birth)
- Hicks, Lillian Agnes (September 21, 1893 Birth)
- McArthur, Gilbert (January 1, 1894 Death)
- McDougall, John (March 17, 1894 Death)
- McDougall, John E. (August 19, 1894 Birth)
- Family of McArthur, John William B. and West, Mary Jane
- McArthur, John William B. (September 5, 1894)
- West, Mary Jane (September 5, 1894)
- McArthur, Grace (October 1894)
- Desbrisay, Aretas W. Young (October 1894 Death)
- Family of McLean, George and McArthur, Grace
- McLean, George (October 1894)
- Beach, William Layton (October 30, 1894)
- Family of Beach, William Layton and Lewis, Eva Alberta Iva
- Lewis, Eva Alberta Iva (October 30, 1894)
- Family of McDougall, John B. and McDougall, Catherine Kate
- McArthur, Robert (before 1895 Death)
- McDougall, Catherine Kate (1895)
- Russell, Hazel Florence (1895 Birth)
- McDougall, John B. (1895)
- Betts, John Wesley (1895 Birth)
- McPherson, Earl Douglas (August 20, 1895 Birth)
- McArthur, George Douglas (October 10, 1895 Birth)
- Family of McDougall, James Nelson and Bulmer, Isabella Marie
- Bulmer, Isabella Marie (December 11, 1895)
- McDougall, James Nelson (December 11, 1895)
- Family of McKenzie, John and McArthur, Jane
- McDonald, Eliza (1896 Death)
- McKenzie, John (1896)
- Stevenson, William (1896 Death)
- McNeill, Catherine (1896 Death)
- McArthur, Jane (1896)
- Fiddler, Thomas (1896 Death)
- Family of Oak, George and McDougall, Margaret Katherine
- McDougall, Margaret Katherine (June 26, 1896)
- Oak, George (June 26, 1896)
- McDougall, Elsie (August 21, 1896 Birth)
- Family of McDougall, George Amos and Cullion, Rosanna
- McDougall, George Amos (September 8, 1896)
- Cullion, Rosanna (September 8, 1896)
- Ramsay, Daniel (October 7, 1896)
- Family of Ramsay, Daniel and Reece Griffin, Elizabeth
- Reece Griffin, Elizabeth (October 7, 1896)
- McDougall, Mabel Cathleen (October 19, 1896 Birth)
- Walls, Lavinia (1897 Death)
- McDougall, Willis Washington (1897 Birth)
- Smith, William Archibald (May 19, 1897)
- Blakeley, Eliza (May 19, 1897)
- Family of Smith, William Archibald and Blakeley, Eliza
- McPherson, Hugh John (June 17, 1897 Birth)
- Family of Matthews, Russell Henderson and McAulay, Isabella
- Matthews, Russell Henderson (July 28, 1897)
- McAulay, Isabella (July 28, 1897)
- Bryant, Margaret Mabel (1898 Birth)
- Mullaly, Edward (1898 Death)
- McDougall, Nina (November 19, 1898 Birth)
- McArthur, Matilda (September 6, 1899 Birth)
- McArthur, John (September 22, 1899 Death)
- McPherson, Helen Rogers (November 10, 1899 Birth)
- Hargrove, Edison Morris (1900 Birth)
- McArthur, William Prowse (April 1900 Birth)
- Family of McLean, Herbert A. and Bush, Augusta Catherine
- McLean, Herbert A. (September 11, 1900)
- Bush, Augusta Catherine (September 11, 1900)
- McLean, John (October 25, 1900 Death)
- Family of McKay, John Smith and Walls, Alice Elizabeth
- McKay, John Smith (November 28, 1900)
- Walls, Alice Elizabeth (November 28, 1900)
- McDougall, Henry Purdy (1901 Death)
- Bryant, Melvin (1901 Birth)
- McDougall, Peter - NB (before 1901 Death)
- Marsh, Elizabeth (before 1901 Death)
- McDougall, Lewis (January 9, 1901 Death)
- Budd, Elias (August 19, 1901)
- Family of Budd, Elias and Simmons, Cecily Jane
- Simmons, Cecily Jane (August 19, 1901)
- Rogers, Matilda (1902 Death)
- Matthews, Cyril Grant (1902 Birth)
- West, Lydia (May 21, 1902)
- Family of McArthur, Jabez Henry and West, Lydia
- McArthur, Jabez Henry (May 21, 1902)
- Ramsay, Stella Jane (June 24, 1902 Birth)
- Kennedy, Catherine (1903 Death)
- McArthur, Peter Alexander (1903 Death)
- Ellis, Claude Parkins (March 24, 1903)
- Mitton, Gertrude Rachel (March 24, 1903)
- Family of Ellis, Claude Parkins and Mitton, Gertrude Rachel
- Bleakney Blakney, Bessie (July 1903 Birth)
- Howell, Asa (August 4, 1903 Death)
- Watts, Marie (1904 Birth)
- Bryant, Herbert (1904 Birth)
- McKay, Matilda Jane (August 16, 1904)
- Bleakney Blakney, Leander (August 16, 1904)
- Family of Bleakney Blakney, Leander and McKay, Matilda Jane
- Family of Astle, Clifford Peter and Marr, Olive
- Astle, Clifford Peter (1905)
- McArthur, John (1905 Death)
- Williams, Jane (1905 Death)
- Clarke, Chesley B. (1905)
- Fiddler, Sarah Jane (1905)
- Marr, Olive (1905)
- Family of Clarke, Chesley B. and Fiddler, Sarah Jane
- Stevenson, John Jabez (1905 Death)
- Family of McDougall, George Manson and Perley, Fannie
- Perley, Fannie (June 29, 1905)
- McDougall, George Manson (June 29, 1905)
- Campbell, Mary Mabel Minnie (December 1905)
- Warman, George E. (December 1905)
- Family of Warman, George E. and Campbell, Mary Mabel Minnie
- Hargrove, George Wesley (1906 Birth)
- Family of George, Frederick William and Ramsay, Harriet Hattie Olivia
- George, Frederick William (September 19, 1906)
- Ramsay, Harriet Hattie Olivia (September 19, 1906)
- Family of Walker, Albert Evans and Heffer, Hazel Lilly Lillian
- Heffer, Hazel Lilly Lillian (December 26, 1906)
- Walker, Albert Evans (December 26, 1906)
- Family of Ramsay, Major Urquhart and Cabel, Nellie
- Mitton, Zena (about 1907 Death)
- Cabel, Nellie (1907)
- Ramsay, Major Urquhart (1907)
- Family of Walls, Frank Edward and Curtis, Bertha
- Walls, Frank Edward (January 13, 1907)
- Curtis, Bertha (January 13, 1907)
- Walker, Estella (May 29, 1907)
- Family of Heffer, George Bain and Walker, Estella
- Heffer, George Bain (May 29, 1907)
- Bostwick, Grace T. (1908 Birth)
- McArthur, Claude Earl (1908 Birth)
- Lister, Dorothy Isabel (January 19, 1908 Birth)
- Ramsay, Beulah (March 1908 Death)
- Family of Rogers, George and McDougall, Bessie May
- McDougall, Bessie May (September 21, 1908)
- Rogers, George (September 21, 1908)
- Family of Patriquin, Henry Edmund and McDougall, Eva
- Patriquin, Henry Edmund (December 16, 1908)
- McDougall, Eva (December 16, 1908)
- McDougall, Rebecca (October 11, 1909 Death)
- Family of Laurie, Roy Armstrong and Gray, Ella
- Gray, Ella (October 27, 1909)
- Laurie, Roy Armstrong (October 27, 1909)
- Family of Robertson, David and McArthur, Eliza Jane
- McArthur, Eliza Jane (1910)
- McCarthy, Sarah (1910 Death)
- Robertson, David (1910)
- McArthur, Benjamin (March 3, 1910 Death)
- Bleakney Blakney, Ray (April 1910 Birth)
- McDougall, John (before 1911 Death)
- Drummond, George W. (1911 Death)
- Stewart, Christianna (before 1911 Death)
- McArthur, Jabez Henry (May 1911 Birth)
- Lawrence, Greta Mildred (November 28, 1911)
- Family of McDougall, Stanley and Lawrence, Greta Mildred
- McDougall, Stanley (November 28, 1911)
- Sturgeon, George Alexander (1912)
- McDermaid, Grace Helen (1912 Death)
- Astle, Howard Clifford (1912 Birth)
- Family of Sturgeon, George Alexander and McDougall, Eliza Jane
- McDougall, Eliza Jane (1912)
- LeBlanc, Olaf (1913 Birth)
- McDougall, George Manson (1913 Death)
- Patriquin, Beulah (1913 Birth)
- Blagden, Herbert Leslie (June 5, 1913)
- Family of Blagden, Herbert Leslie and Mallaby, Beatrice Ellen
- Mallaby, Beatrice Ellen (June 5, 1913)
- Glover, Emma (December 16, 1913 Death)
- Bryant, William (1914)
- Darey, Robert (1914 Birth)
- West, Roseanna (1914)
- Family of Bryant, William and West, Roseanna
- Killam, Innis Amanda (May 12, 1914)
- Ramsay, Harold Vernon (May 12, 1914)
- Family of Ramsay, Harold Vernon and Killam, Innis Amanda
- Ramsay, Emeline Emmeline (June 30, 1914)
- Family of Graham, George and Ramsay, Emeline Emmeline
- Graham, George (June 30, 1914)
- McDonald, Joanna (1915 Death)
- Johnstone, James Archibald (1915 Birth)
- Patriquin, Ruth Helena (February 10, 1915 Birth)
- Family of Ramsay, George William and Wilton, May Eleanor
- Wilton, May Eleanor (July 8, 1915)
- Ramsay, George William (July 8, 1915)
- Waite, Douglas Edward (1916 Birth)
- Sturgeon, Adeline (1916 Death)
- McDougall, Bertha May (1916 Death)
- Patriquin, Howard (1917 Birth)
- Yeamans, William Edward (1917)
- Hicks, Ethel Dorothy (1917 Birth)
- Ramsay, Lena Laura A. (1917)
- Family of Yeamans, William Edward and Ramsay, Lena Laura A.
- Jardine, Lucy Dickson (April 23, 1917)
- Family of McDougall, Peter Havelock and Jardine, Lucy Dickson
- McDougall, Peter Havelock (April 23, 1917)
- Smythe, William Clarke (September 5, 1917 Death)
- Duffy, Annie M. (1918)
- Family of McDougall, Willis Washington and Duffy, Annie M.
- McDougall, Willis Washington (1918)
- Ramsay, Edmund E. (1918 Occupation)
- Bailey, Olive Blanche (1919)
- Family of McArthur, Allard Lemont and Bailey, Olive Blanche
- McArthur, Allard Lemont (1919)
- Ramsay, Lena Laura A. (before 1920 Death)
- Brown, William J. (January 25, 1920 Marriage)
- Dow, Ina Lorraine (August 8, 1920 Death)
- McLean, Margaret (October 31, 1920 Death)
- McDougall, William Douglas (before 1921 Death)
- Walls, Charles (1921 Death)
- McDougall, James Albert (1921 Death)
- Family of Garnett, Gordon Crawford and McArthur, Enid Blanch
- McArthur, Enid Blanch (1921)
- Garnett, Gordon Crawford (1921)
- Heffer, Hazel Lilly Lillian (1921 Death)
- Ramsay, Catherine Ann (April 22, 1921 Death)
- McDougall, Albert Victor (July 3, 1921)
- White, Ella M. (July 3, 1921)
- Family of McDougall, Albert Victor and White, Ella M.
- Morrell, Frederick A. (December 21, 1921 Death)
- Ramsay, Annie (before 1922 Death)
- Collicutt, Grace (July 1, 1922 Death)
- Warren, Elizabeth Lizzie (1923 Death)
- Family of Smith, Alfred and Simmonds, Clara Mabel
- Simmonds, Clara Mabel (March 19, 1923)
- Smith, Alfred (March 19, 1923)
- Family of Clark, Lloyd Havelock Ellis and Adams, Margaret Elizabeth
- Clark, Lloyd Havelock Ellis (August 4, 1923)
- Adams, Margaret Elizabeth (August 4, 1923)
- Rayner Raynor, Elsie Evelyn (September 25, 1923 Death)
- Magoon, Roy Alden (December 5, 1923)
- McDougall, Nellie Pearl (December 5, 1923)
- Family of Magoon, Roy Alden and McDougall, Nellie Pearl
- Foy, Gloriana Glornice (1924 Death)
- Tompkins Scott, Mary Eliza (1924 Death)
- McDougall, Stanford (Bud) (1924 Birth)
- McKinnon, Mary Edna (about 1924 Birth)
- Astle, Clifford Peter (1924 Death)
- Foster, Ralph Burden (February 20, 1924)
- Family of Foster, Ralph Burden and McDougall Morrell, Leverna Viola
- McDougall Morrell, Leverna Viola (February 20, 1924)
- McDougall, Catherine Kate (1925 Death)
- Ramsay, Edmund E. (February 22, 1925 Death)
- Simmons, Cecily Jane (October 1925)
- Simmons, John James (October 1925)
- Family of Simmons, John James and Simmons, Cecily Jane
- Gibson, Isaac H. (June 6, 1926 Death)
- Ryan, John Thomas (July 18, 1926 Death)
- Bynon, Robert Muirhead (August 1926 Death)
- Fiddler, Mary Jane (1927 Death)
- Simmons, John James (January 13, 1927 Death)
- Ramsay, Elizabeth (April 1927 Death)
- McDougall, John B. (May 1927 Death)
- Lee, Eliza (July 24, 1927 Death)
- Bryant, William (1928 Death)
- Watts, Annie Mabel (1928 Birth)
- McDougall, Charles (1929 Death)
- Boyce, Olive Rebecca (February 17, 1929 Death)
- Wilson, Marjorie (1930 Birth)
- McAusland, Daisy Adelle (1930 Death)
- Hopper, William John (March 22, 1930 Death)
- Acton, Sophia (April 15, 1930 Death)
- Murl, Mary Ann Annie (June 28, 1930 Death)
- Betts, Henry Coburn (1931 Death)
- Family of McArthur, Edgar Edison and McLellan, Isabel
- McLellan, Isabel (1931)
- McArthur, Edgar Edison (1931)
- Yeamans, William Edward (1931 Death)
- Bush, Augusta Catherine (September 15, 1931 Death)
- McDougall, James (1932 Death)
- McArthur, Margaret Jane (January 11, 1933 Death)
- McArthur, John William B. (April 4, 1933 Death)
- McConnell, Margaret (April 15, 1933 Death)
- McArthur, Edward Stanley (1934)
- Hicks, Ethel Dorothy (1934)
- Family of McArthur, Edward Stanley and Hicks, Ethel Dorothy
- Johnstone, James Archibald (April 1934 Death)
- Matthews, Russell Henderson (1935 Death)
- Fiddler, Louisa Albina (1935 Death)
- Heffer, Jennie Woodford (May 10, 1935 Death)
- Warman, George E. (1936 Death)
- Wilson, Evelyn (1936 Birth)
- Waite, Elizabeth Jane Jennie (December 16, 1936 Death)
- McArthur, Jabez Henry (January 3, 1937 Death)
- Gray, Susan (March 10, 1937 Death)
- Kinney, Howard George (1938)
- Ward, Carlisla Carlisle (1938 Death)
- Family of Kinney, Howard George and McDougall, Eleanor Jennie Janie
- McDougall, Eleanor Jennie Janie (1938)
- Waite, William Warren (May 2, 1938 Death)
- Dumville Dunville Domville, Ruth Annie (September 25, 1938 Death)
- Hargrove, William Henry (1939 Death)
- Johnstone, Millicent Ann Pope Millie (January 28, 1939 Death)
- McDougall, Sarah A. (April 3, 1939 Death)
- McLean, John Freeman (May 2, 1939 Death)
- Russell, Harry (August 13, 1939 Death)
- McDougall, Alexander D Mack (1940 Death)
- Stevenson, Flora Maynard (January 7, 1940 Death)
- Blagden, William (October 1, 1940 Death)
- McArthur, George Douglas (1941 Death)
- McArthur, William Neil (1941 Death)
- Yeo, Margaret Jane (August 27, 1941 Death)
- McDougall, Peter Havelock (before 1943 Death)
- McArthur, George Thomas (1944 Death)
- McArthur, Harriet Hattie Ann (May 22, 1945 Death)
- McDougall, Mary Jane Jessie (July 18, 1945 Death)
- McDougall, Mary Jane (October 17, 1945 Death)
- Briggs, Inez Martha (November 10, 1945)
- Family of McDougall, John Alexander and Briggs, Inez Martha
- McDougall, John Alexander (November 10, 1945)
- Bryant, Jabez Mills (1946 Death)
- Humphrey, Gladys Sophia (October 22, 1946 Death)
- McArthur, Adeline Alice Addie (December 11, 1946 Death)
- McArthur, Isabella (December 20, 1946 Death)
- Mountain, James Proctor (1947 Death)
- Thompson, Araminta (1948 Death)
- Hargrove, Edison Morris (1948 Death)
- Cullins, Joseph Ackley (November 18, 1948)
- Family of Cullins, Joseph Ackley and McDougall Morrell, Leverna Viola
- McDougall Morrell, Leverna Viola (November 18, 1948)
- Burbridge, Elizabeth Cunard (1949 Death)
- Glover, Frederick (1949 Death)
- McDougall, Margaret Katherine (December 1949 Death)
- McDougall, James Guy (January 23, 1950 Death)
- Johnson, Edith Alma (1951 Death)
- Bryant, James Oliver (January 17, 1951 Death)
- Beach, William Layton (1952 Death)
- Cunningham, Alice (July 28, 1952 Death)
- Hutchinson, Robert (1953 Death)
- McLean, Nathaniel (1953 Death)
- Campbell, Mary Mabel Minnie (1954 Death)
- Campbell, Archibald McDougald (1954 Death)
- McDermaid, William (1954 Death)
- Allen, Pearl M (1954 Death)
- Long, Muriel Mabel (1958 Death)
- Gamble, Archibald Hamilton (1959 Death)
- Folland, George Wigmore (August 31, 1959 Death)
- Heffer, George Bain (November 6, 1959 Death)
- Family of McDougall, John Alexander and Munroe, HAZEL CHRISTINE
- Munroe, HAZEL CHRISTINE (September 9, 1961)
- McDougall, John Alexander (September 9, 1961)
- Bryant, David (1962 Death)
- Vincent, Matilda Jane (1962 Death)
- McDougall, Charles Wesley (February 24, 1962 Death)
- Ramsay, Harriet Hattie Olivia (March 16, 1962 Death)
- Laurie, Roy Armstrong (May 11, 1962 Death)
- Boylan, Sarah E. Sadie (1964 Death)
- Williston, Lydia Amelia (1964)
- Overlock, Esther Jennie (1964 Death)
- Astle, James Daniel (1964)
- Family of Astle, James Daniel and Williston, Lydia Amelia
- McArthur, Nellie (1965 Death)
- McLean, Angus Ramsay (November 1965 Death)
- Wilson, Lemuel (1966 Death)
- McDougall, Hannah (September 26, 1966 Death)
- Ramsay, Annie Belle (January 15, 1967 Death)
- Yeo, Emily Rose (March 27, 1967 Death)
- McIntyre, Everett (January 14, 1968 Death)
- McArthur, Matilda Tilly Rogers (1970 Death)
- Haywood, Alfred Ernest (1970 Death)
- McAusland, Daniel Irving (1970 Death)
- Thompson, William Herman (1971 Death)
- Hargrove, Blois B (1972 Death)
- Hargrove, Nettie Mildred (1974 Death)
- Hargrove, George Wesley (1978 Death)
- McDougall, Maud Munroe (March 31, 1978 Death)
- Ferguson, Mildred (1979 Death)
- Hargrove, Hessie Alma (1983 Death)
- McPherson, Lachlan Lockie (February 23, 1985 Death)
- Watts, Annie Mabel (1986 Death)
- Gorrill, Dorothy (1988 Death)
- Sturgeon, George Wilbur (October 6, 1988 Death)