Beer, Herbert George

Birth Name Beer, Herbert George
Gender male
Age at Death 87 years, 10 months, 10 days



name: Herbert George Beer
event: Baptism
event date: 08 Aug 1874
event place: , Prince Edward Island
father: George Beer
mother: Sarah Eliz
volume: 1
page: 61
film number: 1487750
digital folder number: 004594542
image number: 04987
Citing this Record "Prince Edward Island Baptism Card Index, 1721-1885," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 03 Jan 2013), George Beer in entry for Herbert George Beer, 1874.

Alva and George had no children in the 1911 and the 1921 census.

GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENTS-The Provincial Government made the following appointments: ...special tax officer for collecting arrears of taxes, Mr. J. Mc- Curdv Bell, Cape Traverse; J. P‘s. Mr. George H. Beer, Kingston, Guardian 1936





Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth August 2, 1874 Bannockburn, Lot 31, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada    
Death June 12, 1962 Prince Edward Island, Canada at age 88, in Clyde River cemetery; newspaper memorial  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Beer, GeorgeNovember 22, 1845May 22, 1890
Mother Howard, Sarah ElizabethJanuary 25, 1847April 14, 1930
    Brother     Beer, William Charles Hammond August 28, 1869 August 25, 1961
    Brother     Beer, Thomas Robertson February 3, 1871 January 30, 1956
         Beer, Herbert George August 2, 1874 June 12, 1962
    Sister     Beer, Malinda Mary Minnie July 20, 1876 November 25, 1959
    Sister     Beer, Jane Letitia July 9, 1878 1959
    Sister     Beer, Ida May about 1881 April 9, 1890
    Sister     Beer, Helen Elizabeth October 31, 1882 October 19, 1943


Family of Beer, Herbert George and Auld, Alva Grant

Married Wife Auld, Alva Grant ( * May 22, 1883 + June 15, 1970 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1907 Kingston, Lot 31, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada