Banks, Kenneth Wayman

Birth Name Banks, Kenneth Wayman
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Banks, Ira DavidFebruary 10, 1894January 29, 1976
Mother Henderson, Alice RubyzelleJanuary 22, 1896March 16, 1985
    Brother     Banks, Robert before 1976
    Brother     Banks, Sterling David August 19, 1942
         Banks, Kenneth Wayman
    Brother     Banks, Stewart Ira 1953
    Brother     Banks, Byron before 1976
    Brother     Banks, Earle S.


Family of Banks, Kenneth Wayman and England, Verna Blanche

Married Wife England, Verna Blanche ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage December 9, 1950 Alberton, Lot 4, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada Guardian newspaper