Abbott, Bellinda

Birth Name Abbott, Bellinda
Gender female
Age at Death less than 77 years, 22 days



Belinda was listed as a child of Thomas and Jane Abbott in church records from St. Paul's Anglican church in Northumberland, New Brunswick. No further records were found for her. According to Elizabeth Abbott McArthur's obituary in 1905, she was only survived by her sister Jane.



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth December 10, 1827 Newcastle, New Brunswick, Canada    
Death before 1905      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Abbott, Thomasbefore 1860
Mother Crawford, Jane A.1793August 28, 1885
    Brother     Abbott, John Crawford 1812 June 23, 1888
    Sister     Abbott, Anna about 1814 November 8, 1855
    Sister     Abbott, Jane May 28, 1819 February 3, 1907
    Sister     Abbott, Elizabeth 1821 1822
    Brother     Abbott, Thomas about 1823 May 21, 1889
    Sister     Abbott, Elizabeth August 1825 January 7, 1905
         Abbott, Bellinda December 10, 1827 before 1905
    Brother     Abbott, Hugh May 27, 1831 before 1905