Hyde Bowman, Harry Whitefield

Birth Name Hyde Bowman, Harry Whitefield 1a 2a 3a 4a
Gender male
Age at Death 84 years, 1 month, 18 days



Harry Whitefield Bowman is in the PEI Baptismal Index as the son of Jane McFadyen and John Bowman. When Jane died, her children were scattered among family and neighbours. Harry Whitfield was with the Hyde family as an adopted son.

In subsequent census records, Harry adopted the last name Hyde, and was generally regarded as the son of Francis Hyde and Sarah McFadyen. Sarah was Francis' second wife; they were married in 1884. In the 1881 census, the closest found to Sarah was the Sarah McFadyen living with John McFadyen and Catherine McFadyen - from the ages of this household, it is possible that Sarah and John were children of Neil McFadyen and Catherine MacLeod, and if so, would be cousins of Jane McFadyen Bowman.

Born in 1855, Sarah McFadyen may have known Harry's mother Jane, and adopted her son from friendship rather than because of a blood relationship. According to Sarah McFadyen's obituary, she was from St. Catherine's. She died in 1932, at the home of her son Harry in Charlottetown.

Guardian, 1955: The annual Canadian Legion banquet was held in the Clover Club of th Legion Building last night and as presided over by the president. Stan Bryant. some two hundred members were in at- tendance. among them two South African veterans. Harry Hyde and Ambrose Rodd.

Harry married twice.

South African War Veteran Harry Hyde died at Age 83. One of the last of t he fast dwindling group of veterans of the South African War, Harry Hyde, 83, died yesterday. Mr Hyde was the son of the late Mr and Mrs Frank Hyde of New Haven and moved with his family to this city in 1898. At the time he went to South Africa he was the youngest soldier in his battalion.

Following his return to Canada he worked for a time at MacLean's foundry, and then the Trenton Car Shops, Trenton, NS. He came back to the Island and went to work in the blacksmith shops of the old Intercolonial Railway, later the CNR, where he remained until he retired in 1947.

He was survived by his second wife, the four children: Major Gordon Hyde, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, Ottawa; Sally at home; Ann. Mrs Earl Todd, Bradalbane, and Helen, Mrs Robert Mayhew. Guardian May 5 1965, pg 1




Note about date of birth:

Although born in March 1881, from his baptismal record in 1885, Harry was not in the 1881 census. There was a 3 month old child, Ira, born in Decembere 1880 - which would make Harry's birth in March 1881 a bit problematic. His adoptive parents said he was age 8 in 1891. The official start date for the 1881 census was April 4 1881. Perhaps the census taker thought the 3 week old Harry/Ira was 3 months old?


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth March 17, 1881 Prince Edward Island, Canada also known as Harry Whitfield Hyde; PEI Baptismal Index, baptized same day as John Wesley & Alvah 1b 2b 3b
Baptism February 3, 1885      
Death May 4, 1965 Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada date from gravestone, at age 83  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Stepfather Hyde, FrancisOctober 31, 1910
Stepmother McFadyen, SarahNovember 1, 1851April 16, 1932
         Hyde Bowman, Harry Whitefield March 17, 1881 May 4, 1965 (Adopted, Adopted)
Father Bowman, JohnMay 30, 1855October 15, 1901
Mother McFadyen, Jane ElizabethFebruary 18, 1854May 4, 1889
    Sister     Bowman, Lucy Edna August 15, 1877 July 13, 1959
    Brother     Bowman, John Wesley January 14, 1879 December 18, 1936
    Brother     Bowman, Ira December 1880
         Hyde Bowman, Harry Whitefield March 17, 1881 May 4, 1965
    Sister     Bowman, Alvah Cowperwaite November 9, 1882 May 9, 1970
    Sister     Bowman, Annie Lulu December 31, 1888 January 23, 1973


Family of Hyde Bowman, Harry Whitefield and Kennedy, Sadie May

Married Wife Kennedy, Sadie May ( * April 18, 1887 + October 3, 1930 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage December 31, 1913 Prince Edward Island, Canada    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hyde, Gordon HarryNovember 3, 19171988

Family of Hyde Bowman, Harry Whitefield and Puncher, Mary Victoria

Married Wife Puncher, Mary Victoria ( * + 1987 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1932 Prince Edward Island, Canada    


1/8 - Harry_Hyde
2/8 - Hyde_Henry_1901
3/8 - Hyde_Henry_1948
4/8 - McFadyen_Sarah_Hyde
5/8 - Henry_Whitfield_Hyde
6/8 - Kennedy_Hyde_marriage_1914
7/8 - Hyde_Puncher_marriage
8/8 - Harry_Hyde

Source References

  1. Library and Archives Canada: 1891 Census of Canada [database on-line]Statistics Canada Fonds. Microfilm reels: T-6290 to T-6427.
      • Source text:

        Birth date: abt 1883 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Residence date: 1891 Residence place: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada

      • Source text:

        Birth date: abt 1883 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Residence date: 1891 Residence place: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada

  2. 1911 Census of Canada
      • Source text:

        Birth date: March 1881 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Residence date: 1911 Residence place: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada

      • Source text:

        Birth date: March 1881 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Residence date: 1911 Residence place: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada

  3. 1901 Census of Canada
      • Source text:

        Birth date: 1881 Birth place: Pe Residence date: 1901 Residence place: Charlottetown (City/Cité), Queen's (west/ouest), Prince Edward Island, Canada

      • Source text:

        Birth date: 1881 Birth place: Pe Residence date: 1901 Residence place: Charlottetown (City/Cité), Queen's (west/ouest), Prince Edward Island, Canada

  4. Ancestry.com: Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980
      • Source text:

        Residence date: 1940 Residence place: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada