Bryanton Bryenton, George

Birth Name Bryanton Bryenton, George
Gender male
Age at Death 60 years, 1 month, 26 days


Groom's Name George Bryenton
Groom's Residence Burlington
Groom's Status Bachelor
Bride's Name Sarah Jane McDonald
Bride's Residence Lot 8
Bride's Status Spinster
Source RG19/s3/ss5: Marriage bonds, 1894

He leaves to mourn his loss an aged mother, six sons and three daughters viz: Melville, Edgar, Ernest, Ralph and Arthur of Malpeque and Houston of Saskatchewan, Sadie, Marjorie at home and Annie in Saskatchewan.

Bryenton on his marriage record, Bryanton on the death record and obit. Some of the birth records for his children are under Bryanton and Bryenton.




Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth February 4, 1867 Prince Edward Island, Canada    
Death April 1, 1927 Prince Edward Island, Canada    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bryanton Bryenton, Edward
    Sister     Bryanton Bryenton, Catherine Kate November 14, 1867 1944
         Bryanton Bryenton, George February 4, 1867 April 1, 1927
    Sister     Bryanton, Mary Jane June 12, 1871 1950


Family of Bryanton Bryenton, George and McDonald, Sarah Jane

Married Wife McDonald, Sarah Jane ( * June 1872 + January 13, 1920 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage October 3, 1894 Prince Edward Island, Canada    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Bryanton Bryenton, AnnieJuly 18961968
Bryenton Bryanton, EdgarJuly 1898November 2, 1980
Bryenton Bryanton, Ernest SamuelMay 28, 19041972
Bryanton Bryenton, Roy GoughAugust 28, 19061909