Brown, Catherine

Birth Name Brown, Catherine
Gender female
Age at Death greater than 105 years



Mrs. Donald Graham, who, at the time of her death lacked but fourteen days of being one hundred and eleven years old.
There can be no doubt as to the correctness of the chronology in this case, as the bap-tism of the woman in her childhood is a
matter of record in the church where it oc-curred. Her maiden name was Brown, and she was a daughter of John Brown, of Char-
lottetown. When she was seven years old a vicious rooster pecked out one of her eyes, but this only seemed to make the other grow
stronger, and it retained its strength and luster to the end of this long and busy life, Mrs. Graham being able to read and sew
without glasses to the day of her death. She was very vivacious and highly vitalized, al* 'ways in good spirits, and seemingly ready: to
dare Fate herself into the lists and meet her on almost equal terms, when adversities came strong being most radiant in her cour-
age and cheerfulness. Her memory was re- ' markably good...Past and Present of PEI


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Brown, Lawrence
Mother Jamieson, Jean
    Sister     Brown, Janet 1789 1863
         Brown, Catherine 1778 1885
    Sister     Brown, Isabella


Family of Graham, Donald and Brown, Catherine

Married Husband Graham, Donald ( * + 1850 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Graham, John1809
Graham, Maria Theresaabout 1810
Graham, Mary Anne18141874
Graham, Catherineabout 1815before 1855
Graham, Jane1828before 1904