Abbott, John William

Birth Name Abbott, John William
Gender male
Age at Death less than 100 years



No records found for John William after the 1861 census. The John William Abbott in Saint John doesn't seem likely.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1849 Prince Edward Island, Canada age 12 in the 1861 census  
Death before 1949   assumption  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Abbott, John Crawford1812June 23, 1888
Mother Horton, Mary Annabout 1819before 1881
    Sister     Abbott, Ann May 29, 1841 1923
    Sister     Abbott, Charity Jane November 19, 1845 May 22, 1915
         Abbott, John William 1849 before 1949
    Brother     Abbott, Lemuel Horton November 3, 1851 May 24, 1928
    Sister     Abbott, Mary Elizabeth 1855 before 1955
    Brother     Abbott, Albro Allen Allan 1857 1888
    Brother     Abbott, Leonard Thomas Mortimer 1860 before 1960