Bryant, Mary Ann

Birth Name Bryant, Mary Ann
Gender female
Age at Death 68 years, 10 months, 4 days



By the same on the 6 July, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. John Cotton, of Lot 12, to Ann, second daughter of Mr. William Bryant, of Lot 13.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth February 28, 1842 Prince Edward Island, Canada date from 1881 census; gave 28 Feb 1846 in 1901  
Death 1911      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bryant, WilliamFebruary 14, 1819before 1911
Mother McArthur, Eliza Elizabeth Betsey1822May 23, 1896
    Brother     Bryant, William January 13, 1840 1928
         Bryant, Mary Ann February 28, 1842 1911
    Sister     Bryant, Maria September 2, 1843
    Brother     Bryant, John 1845
    Sister     Bryant, Anne 1849
    Brother     Bryant, David 1850
    Sister     Bryant, Sarah Jane July 3, 1853 January 1, 1836
    Sister     Bryant, Catherine May 8, 1855
    Sister     Bryant, Johanna 1857
    Brother     Bryant, Jabez Mills February 14, 1858 1946
    Brother     Bryant, Robert August 6, 1859
    Brother     Bryant, Lewis Mills 1863 June 1, 1944
    Sister     Bryant, Adeline May 10, 1863 September 19, 1935
    Brother     Bryant, James Oliver March 4, 1866 January 17, 1951
    Sister     Bryant, Elizabeth 1869


Family of Cotton, John and Bryant, Mary Ann

Married Husband Cotton, John ( * April 20, 1834 + February 19, 1915 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage July 6, 1863 Prince Edward Island, Canada married by John Butcher; witnesses Samuel Ramsay, James McArthur, Wm. Ellis  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Cotton, Eliza Jane ElizabethFebruary 22, 1864
Cotton, James YeoAugust 28, 1866
Cotton, Samuel HallFebruary 16, 1873
Cotton, Edward ArtemisSeptember 15, 1874before 1930
Cotton, Jane M. Jennie Maudabout 1876March 28, 1964
Cotton, Neil Russellabout 1878February 22, 1954
Cotton, Rose M. RoseannaMarch 1, 1883
Cotton, PhilipAugust 25, 1884


Type Value Notes Sources
Merged Gramps ID I8651