Harkness, John

Birth Name Harkness, John
Gender male
Age at Death about 74 years, 4 months, 17 days




John Harkness and his wife, Janet MacCaull with their daughter Sarah came from Scotland to Charlottetown where they were met by the MacCaulls of North Bedeque with a horse and cart. The Harkness family settled on a farm at Traveller's Rest in 1852. They had the following family: Sarah, Janet, Ellen, William, Mary, Elizabeth Ann, Henry, Anthony, Mariah, and John.

(Janet and Ellen gave their place of birth as Scotland)

Sarah married Richard Smallman, Oleary; Janet married Nathaniel Milligan, Traveller's Rest; Ellen married Robert Milligan, Traveller's Rest; Mary married Horatio Waite, Traveller's Rest; Elizabeth Ann married James MacArthur, Traveller's Rest; Mariah married Alexander Maclnnis, Traveller's Rest; John married Ellie Milligan of Traveller's Rest; William and Anthony moved from Prince Edward Island.

The Gaelic sayings used in the Harkness home are remembered by the younger generation. For many years, Scotch bread and cookies were sent at Christmas time to this family from Glasgow, Scotland.

from the History of Travellor's Rest

Name John Harkness
Spouse's Name Janet Mccall
Event Date 21 Apr 1846
Event Place Stoneykirk,Wigtown,Scotland
Citing this Record "Scotland Marriages, 1561-1910," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XY7G-ZQW : 10 February 2018), John Harkness and Janet Mccall, 21 Apr 1846; citing Stoneykirk,Wigtown,Scotland, index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 1,068,041, 102,357.

1861 census, Lot 25 - John Harkness, joiner, with a household of 11.
1881 census - Lot 19, John, a farmer, and wife Janet with Anthony, Elizabeth, Mariah, Mary, and Henry, all born in Scotland.

See: https://gw.geneanet.org/belfast8?lang=en&p=john&n=harkness&oc=21





Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1823 Kirkmaiden, Wigtownshire, Scotland    
Death May 18, 1897 Travellers Rest, Lot 19, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada    


Family of Harkness, John and McCaull, Janet

Married Wife McCaull, Janet ( * May 26, 1823 + November 21, 1901 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage April 21, 1846 Scotland    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Harkness, Janetabout 1844February 19, 1910
Harkness, Sarahabout 18471916
Harkness, Helen EllenMay 8, 18511934
Harkness, Johnabout 1853about 1890
Harkness, AnthonyApril 1853June 23, 1920
Harkness, Elizabeth Ann Libbie1858January 28, 1942
Harkness, Maryabout 18621946
Harkness, Jessie MaudMay 28, 1883