Barlow, Mary Ann

Birth Name Barlow, Mary Ann
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Barlow, John1808October 14, 1894
Mother Wallace, Elizabethabout 1814about 1857
    Brother     Barlow, William September 14, 1834 February 25, 1912
    Brother     Barlow, John 1836
    Sister     Barlow, Sarah 1838 April 3, 1897
    Brother     Barlow, George 1844 1932
    Sister     Barlow, Elizabeth about 1845 December 8, 1908
         Barlow, Mary Ann
    Sister     Barlow, Frances Fanny July 7, 1855 May 29, 1940
    Brother     Barlow Burleigh, James April 10, 1857
    Sister     Barlow, Nancy about 1857


Family of Taylor, John and Barlow, Mary Ann

Married Husband Taylor, John ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage June 9, 1859 Port Hill, Lot 13, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Taylor, Emily
Taylor, Margaret
Taylor, Sarah Jane
Taylor, Isabelle O.
Taylor, Donald