Beer, Mary Anne 1 2a

Birth Name Beer, Mary Anne 3a 4a
Gender female
Age at Death 65 years, 4 months, 13 days



Mary Ann Beer was the eldest daughter of Thomas Beer and Jane Robertson, born on the Island and baptized at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Charlottetown. She grew up in Lot 31, where she married Archibald McFadyen, with both fathers at witnesses.

Mary Ann and Archie had seven children who survived childhood: Jane (m. John Bowman); Margaret (m. Charles Auld); Hannah (m. James Mitchell); John Archibald (m. Sarah Jane Campbell); Rebecca (m. William Auld); Elizabeth (m. Wm. Johnstone Mann); and Robertson (m. Jessie McDonald).

All of Mary Ann and Archie's children are in the PEI Baptismal Index.

In the 1881 census, the family is listed under Arch McFadgeon, with Mary Ann (48) and children Hannah (21), John (20), Rebecca (18), Elizabeth (14), and Robertson (10). Arch and John were farmers, Elizabeth and Robertson were going to school.

Also in Lot 31 were:
Archie's father Angus McFadgeon (81) and children
William and Eliza Auld, and their son William (20), who married Rebecca
Charles Auld (26), married to their daughter Margaret (23)
Mary Ann's parents Thomas "Bears" (74) and Jane (73)
Her brothers George "Bears" (35) and James Beers (40).

Their eldest daughter Jane died young, and her daughter Lucy Bowman can be found with her grandparents in the 1891 census. Also in the household at that time were Archibald McFadyen (60), Mary Ann (57), John (30), Elizabeth (22), Robertson (19) and Lucy (13) . They were living in a one story wooden house with 5 rooms.

Mary Ann died in March, 1898.

McFadyen Mrs. Archibald Summerside Journal 6 April 1898, page 5, col. 3 At Bannockburn on the 24th ult., Mrs. Archibald McFadyen in the 65th year of her age, leaving a husband, two sons and four daughters (PEI Ancestry)


Examiner -- 18980404 -- Page 06 Monday April 4, 1898 At Bannockburn, March 24, passed peacefully away with a sure hope in the saving power of her Redeemer, Mrs Archibald McFadyen, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Beer, in the 65th year of her age.



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth November 11, 1832 Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada PEI Baptismal Index 3b 4b
Death March 24, 1898 Bannockburn, Lot 31, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Beer, Thomasabout 1806October 14, 1896
Mother Robertson Robinson, Jane1806December 1890
         Beer, Mary Anne November 11, 1832 March 24, 1898
    Brother     Beer, William March 29, 1835 October 2, 1923
    Sister     Beer, Elizabeth January 6, 1837 February 1, 1911
    Brother     Beer, James December 9, 1838 December 5, 1918
    Sister     Beer, Rebecca November 15, 1841 December 9, 1919
    Brother     Beer, George November 22, 1845 May 22, 1890


Family of McFadyen, Archibald and Beer, Mary Anne

Married Husband McFadyen, Archibald ( * 1828 + December 12, 1900 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage January 6, 1853 Prince Edward Island, Canada PEI Marriage Registrations 1852-1857 page 264  
Name Birth Date Death Date
McFadyen, Thomas
McFadyen, Jane ElizabethFebruary 18, 1854May 4, 1889
McFadyen, MargaretOctober 30, 1855July 22, 1925
McFadyen, Hannah MariaApril 12, 1858November 17, 1944
McFadyen, John ArchibaldSeptember 9, 1859February 13, 1942
McFadyen, Rebecca EllenMay 22, 1861September 18, 1948
McFadyen, ElizabethAugust 9, 1863before 1869
McFadyen, ElizabethMarch 24, 1869November 22, 1956
McFadyen, Kenneth RobertsonApril 17, 1870June 14, 1953


1/3 - Beer_mary_Ann_birth
2/3 - Beer&Mcadyen_marriage
3/3 - Beer_McFadyen

Source References

  1. History and Stories of Clyde River 2009
  2. Division of Vital Statistics. Public Archives, Charlottetown.: Prince Edward Island Marriage Registers, 1832-1888
      • Date: 1853
      • Page: 1852-1857, page 264
  3. Library and Archives Canada: 1891 Census of Canada [database on-line]Statistics Canada Fonds. Microfilm reels: T-6290 to T-6427.
      • Source text:

        Birth date: abt 1834 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Residence date: 1891 Residence place: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada

      • Source text:

        Birth date: abt 1834 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Residence date: 1891 Residence place: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada

  4. 1881 Census of Canada
      • Source text:

        Birth date: 1833 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Residence date: 1881 Residence place: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada

      • Source text:

        Birth date: 1833 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Residence date: 1881 Residence place: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada