Shaw, George Henry

Birth Name Shaw, George Henry
Gender male
Age at Death 69 years, 5 days



Groom's Name George Henry Shaw
Groom's Residence Bloomfield
Groom's Status Bachelor
Bride's Name Mary Pearl Cook
Bride's Residence Cape Wolfe
Bride's Status Spinster
Date of Marriage License or Bond 3 November 1919
Date of Marriage Ceremony 5 November 1919
Officiant's Name Robert Murray
Source RG19, Series3, Subseries4: Marriage Licenses, 1919


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth December 27, 1898 Prince Edward Island, Canada    
Death 1968 Prince Edward Island, Canada    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Shaw, Robert NelsonApril 6, 18571949
Mother Adams, Sarah AnnMarch 14, 18641912
    Brother     Shaw, Theodore 1895 1910
         Shaw, George Henry December 27, 1898 1968


Family of Shaw, George Henry and Cook, Mary Pearl

Married Wife Cook, Mary Pearl ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage November 5, 1919 Prince Edward Island, Canada