McArthur, Eliza Elizabeth Betsey

Birth Name McArthur, Eliza Elizabeth Betsey
Gender female
Age at Death 74 years, 4 months, 22 days



Elizabeth's parents were from a McArthur family tree on the Island Register. Alexander and Nancy had a daughter Eliza, baptized in 1822.

Child's Full Name Eliza McArthur
Baptismal Date 26 May 1822
Officiating Clergy McGregor
Father's Name Alex McArthur
Mother's Name Nancy McLachlan
Church Name Presbyterian
Church Location Richmond Parish

A marriage was documented in PEI Marriage Registers between Elizabeth McArthur and William Briant or Brine. Witnesses were Archibald and Alexander McArthur, and the couple were both from Lot 14. In the 1881 census, Elizabeth's age was 58, or born in 1823. On the 1891 census she said her father was born on the Island and her mother in Scotland.

Given that she named her first four children William, Maria (after paternal grandparents), then John and Ann, I might be inclined to place this Eliza with the family of John and Ann McArthur!

The Bryant family tree on the Island Register said "William b. September 30th 1819, P.E.I. and baptized 1820 in St Pauls Anglican church in Charlottetown , P.E.I. It is believed his wife Betsy is an aunt of Maria MacArthur."

It seems likely that Ann Maria McArthur, who married William's brother David, would be related to Elizabeth.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1822 Lot 14, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada baptized 1822; 1881 census gave 1823  
Death May 23, 1896 Weldford, Kent, New Brunswick, Canada Mrs. William Bryant at age 75  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father McArthur, Alexander - Lot 14about 1765before 1851
Mother McLaughlin, Nancy
    Sister     McArthur, Katherine Catherine about 1810
    Sister     McArthur, Flora - Lot 14 about 1816 May 6, 1885
    Brother     McArthur, Neil 1819 December 4, 1899
         McArthur, Eliza Elizabeth Betsey 1822 May 23, 1896
    Brother     McArthur, Alexander - Lot 14 about 1823 March 29, 1889


Family of Bryant, William and McArthur, Eliza Elizabeth Betsey

Married Husband Bryant, William ( * February 14, 1819 + before 1911 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage July 31, 1839 Prince Edward Island, Canada William Brine  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Bryant, WilliamJanuary 13, 18401928
Bryant, Mary AnnFebruary 28, 18421911
Bryant, MariaSeptember 2, 1843
Bryant, John1845
Bryant, Anne1849
Bryant, David1850
Bryant, Sarah JaneJuly 3, 1853January 1, 1836
Bryant, CatherineMay 8, 1855
Bryant, Johanna1857
Bryant, Jabez MillsFebruary 14, 18581946
Bryant, RobertAugust 6, 1859
Bryant, Lewis Mills1863June 1, 1944
Bryant, AdelineMay 10, 1863September 19, 1935
Bryant, James OliverMarch 4, 1866January 17, 1951
Bryant, Elizabeth1869