Brown, Peter Raymond Joseph

Birth Name Brown, Peter Raymond Joseph
Gender male
Age at Death 40 years, 11 months



Child's Full Name Peter Raymond Joseph Brown
Birth Date 8 February 1894
Baptismal Date 26 February 1894
Place of Baptism Grand River
Officiating Clergy L. J McDonald
Father's Name James Brown
Mother's Name Margaret McDonald
Church Name St. Patrick's Catholic
Church Location Grand River
Record Book Number 1
Record Book Page 62


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth February 1894 Prince Edward Island, Canada    
Death 1935 Richmond Parish, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada obit  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Brown, James EmmanuelJanuary 28, 1846March 24, 1923
Mother McDonald, Margaret EllenOctober 1859
    Brother     Brown, William Felix May 30, 1881 1962
    Sister     Brown, Mary Helena December 20, 1882
    Brother     Brown, John Bernard April 23, 1884
    Sister     Brown, Annie Florence November 21, 1885
    Brother     Brown, James Alphonsus October 30, 1887 1978
    Brother     Brown, Hugh Justin April 15, 1890
         Brown, Peter Raymond Joseph February 1894 1935
    Sister     Brown, Harriet Cecila Hattie 1900