Bernard, Russel George

Birth Name Bernard, Russel George
Gender male
Age at Death 85 years, 3 months, 12 days



Bernard, Russel George. Russel George was born in 1864, the son of Alexander Bernard and Amelia Mann.

Russel was the head of household in the 1891 census, and was providing a home to his mother and younger sisters, brother Herbert and two nieces. His brother William Watson was not living at home.

In the 1901 and 1911 census records Russell was single, a farmer, and living with his sister Eliza. He died in 1950.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth June 4, 1865 Lot 19, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada from census records  
Death September 16, 1950 Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada gravestone in Kensington Peoples Cemetery Lot 19-3  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bernard, Alexanderabout 1811June 16, 1890
Mother Mann, Ameliaabout 1825March 16, 1891
    Sister     Bernard, Margaret Jane March 1, 1856 1947
    Sister     Bernard, Catherine Helen Katie May 3, 1857 October 1945
    Brother     Bernard, William Watson 1859 before 1950
    Sister     Bernard, Rachel Adeline September 5, 1860 March 16, 1940
    Sister     Bernard, Eliza Baker September 5, 1862 March 29, 1950
         Bernard, Russel George June 4, 1865 September 16, 1950
    Brother     Bernard, James Alexander Cameron June 27, 1866 January 6, 1955
    Brother     Bernard, Richard Herbert Reid February 8, 1868 July 2, 1950


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