Burleigh, George Sr.

Birth Name Burleigh, George Sr.
Gender male
Age at Death 64 years, 7 months, 23 days



Both Barlow and Burleigh were names used within the same famly.

This family is here as a way of keeping some of the Barlow/Burleigh families living in the same area straight - I don't think George was related to the other families, but I could be wrong.

Could be the George Barlow in Lot 12 in 1861 with a household of 8.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1817 England, United Kingdom    
Death August 24, 1881 Prince Edward Island, Canada    


Family of Burleigh, George Sr. and Downing Downham, Elizabeth

Married Wife Downing Downham, Elizabeth ( * 1822 + January 12, 1877 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Burleigh Barlow, Samuel
Burleigh, George Jr.18441878
Burleigh, Sarah Ann1846October 21, 1874
Burleigh, Thomas JamesJune 14, 1852May 28, 1948
Burleigh Barlow, Mary ElizabethMay 14, 18541932
Burleigh Barlow, Jannie Janie MarthaAugust 14, 1861October 12, 1951
Burleigh, John WilliamJanuary 21, 18641949