Betts Sullivan, Lavenia

Birth Name Betts Sullivan, Lavenia
Gender female
Age at Death 85 years, 5 months



Groom's Name Michael Ramsay
Groom's Residence Mount Pleasant, Lot 20
Groom's Status Bachelor
Bride's Name Lavinia A. Sullivan
Bride's Residence Mount Pleasant
Bride's Status Spinster
Source RG19/s3/ss5: Marriage bonds, 1875

The PEI Baptismal Index says "Miss Harris", but obituaries for their children say she was Lavinia Betts.

A family tree on the Island Register says that according to the Ramsay family, Lavenia's mother was Joyce Betts, who married David Sullivan on 16 Jan 1861.

Lavenia was a widow living with her son in the 1901 census.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth August 1857 Prince Edward Island, Canada date from 1901 census, gave other years on other census records  
Death 1943      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Mother Betts, Joyceabout 18291888
         Betts Sullivan, Lavenia August 1857 1943


Family of Ramsay, Michael Carr and Betts Sullivan, Lavenia

Married Husband Ramsay, Michael Carr ( * 1850 + 1892 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1875 Prince Edward Island, Canada    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Ramsay, Alpheus ParkerMay 5, 1876January 3, 1957
Ramsay, Arthur CarrDecember 10, 1881July 30, 1945
Ramsay, Annie Alice18881984