Montgomery, George

Birth Name Montgomery, George
Gender male
Age at Death 27 years, 5 months



George married Miss Ramsey and removed to Mirimachi, New Brunswick, where he died soon after the great fire of 1825. Past & Present of PEI


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth August 1797 Port Hill, Lot 13, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada    
Death 1825 Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada Prince Edward Island Register Sep 27, 1825  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Montgomery, Donald Dan JP, MPPabout 1760February 27, 1845
Mother Penman, Ann Nancyabout 1768August 2, 1837
    Brother     Montgomery, Archibald about 1785 February 5, 1860
    Sister     Montgomery, Mary November 3, 1789 November 11, 1871
    Sister     Montgomery, Barbara January 31, 1791 February 7, 1874
    Sister     Montgomery, Christy January 20, 1793 January 31, 1891
    Sister     Montgomery, Helen Nelly September 5, 1794 December 14, 1848
    Brother     Montgomery, Hugh January 5, 1796 1866
         Montgomery, George August 1797 1825
    Brother     Montgomery, John May 12, 1800 1867
    Brother     Montgomery, James Townsend March 29, 1801 June 17, 1871
    Sister     Montgomery, Ann March 11, 1803 November 13, 1884
    Sister     Montgomery, Elizabeth April 11, 1805 October 7, 1886
    Brother     Montgomery, Donald “Big Donald” January 19, 1808 July 31, 1893
    Brother     Montgomery, Edward January 14, 1810 August 30, 1888
    Sister     Montgomery, Jane July 2, 1812
    Brother     Montgomery, William April 26, 1814 April 22, 1881
    Brother     Montgomery, Robert Hudson April 26, 1814 January 12, 1878
    Sister     Montgomery, Margaret


Family of Montgomery, George and Ramsay, Margaret

Married Wife Ramsay, Margaret ( * about 1792 + March 11, 1875 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage January 21, 1825 New Brunswick, Canada Donald Ramsay was a witness  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Montgomery, GeorgeFebruary 18261911