Paynter, Bernard

Birth Name Paynter, Bernard
Gender male
Age at Death 67 years, 2 months, 17 days



Bernard left most of his estate to his son John, with bequests to his daughters Sophia and Matilda. Richard and William are mentioned. Wlliam got "pump boxes"?


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth October 15, 1786 North Tamerton, Cornwall, England    
Death 1854 Prince Edward Island, Canada    


Family of Paynter, Bernard and Taylor, Susannah

Married Wife Taylor, Susannah ( * January 2, 1794 + January 12, 1833 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage April 4, 1815 North Tamerton, Cornwall, England    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Paynter, Mary Annabout 1816
Paynter, Richardabout 1817August 10, 1891
Paynter, Williamabout 18181819
Paynter, Williamabout 1820April 29, 1904
Paynter, SophiaFebruary 1822July 2, 1916
Paynter, Johnabout 1826
Paynter, MatildaJuly 18281914