Brooks, Margaret Jane 1 2 3a

Birth Name Brooks, Margaret Jane
Gender female
Age at Death 71 years, 8 months, 10 days



Child's Full Name Margaret Jane Brooks
Birth Date 22 April 1840
Place of Birth New Bideford
Baptismal Date 15 July 1840
Officiating Clergy A.V.G Wiggins
Father's Name John Brooks
Mother's Name Christiana Ramsay
Church Name Church of England
Church Location Richmond
Record Book Number 1
Record Book Page 142

Margaret J. Brooks from Lot 67 married James Champion in 1867. "At Charlottetown on the 4th inst by the Rev. Alexander Falconer Mr James Chamption of Malpeque to Miss Margaret J. Brooks, of Lot 67." Summerside Journal September 12 1867. Benjamin Champion was a witness.

She and James were in Lot 4 in 1881, 1891, and 1901. On the 1891 census, she said her father was born in England and her mother on the Island. In the 1901 census, James and Margaret were lodgers in the household of Benjamin Champion, Lot 4.

At the time of her sister Mattie's death in 1898, Margaret was about 56, and living in Alberton.

Lengthy obit in the Wesleyan, 1912


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth April 22, 1840 Bideford, Lot 12, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada date from 1901 census  
Death 1912 Prince Edward Island, Canada Searletown United Cemetery Lot 27  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Brooks, Johnabout 1810June 19, 1886
Mother Ramsay, Christiana Christyabout 1811about 1862
    Sister     Brooks, Johanna April 21, 1836 1923
    Brother     Brooks, John Thomas about 1847 June 29, 1897
         Brooks, Margaret Jane April 22, 1840 1912
    Brother     Brooks, William April 8, 1844 May 2, 1935
    Sister     Brooks, Mary Ann April 2, 1843 November 28, 1911
    Brother     Brooks, Robert February 11, 1850 March 25, 1915
    Sister     Brooks, Flora about 1844 1879
    Brother     Brooks, George 1850
    Brother     Brooks, David about 1852 1928
    Sister     Brooks, Sophia about 1858 1916
    Sister     Brooks, Martha Mattie about 1859 March 15, 1898


Family of Champion, James W. and Brooks, Margaret Jane

Married Husband Champion, James W. ( * April 5, 1841 + January 25, 1921 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage September 4, 1867 Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada bride from Lot 67, groom from Malpeque  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Champion, John BenjaminJune 18, 1868January 18, 1948
Champion, Melissa AnnMay 18, 1870
Champion, Josiah BrooksAugust 25, 18731954
Champion, James Barstoe M. D.1876September 13, 1937
Champion, Elmira EllieMarch 29, 18841962