
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Burrows. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Burrows, Ada December 1, 1860
Burrows, Bertha Johnstone July 6, 1866
Burrows, Caroline August 29, 1858
Burrows, Carrie March 4, 1896
Burrows, Ella Louise August 29, 1900
Burrows, Emma Johnstone about 1856
Burrows, Frank W. April 4, 1897
Burrows, George Robert  
Burrows, Grace 1830
Burrows, Isabel November 10, 1852
Burrows, John Andrew October 12, 1854
Burrows, Lucy April 8, 1862
Burrows, Mary Bell Isabel July 27, 1892
Burrows, Mary Janette August 8, 1868
Burrows, Ruby April 4, 1897
Burrows, Samuel August 4, 1827
Burrows, Thomas