
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Champion. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Champion, Benjamin December 27, 1827
Champion, Benjamin Hiram April 2, 1880
Champion, Charles Seaman  
Champion, Christie Ann January 11, 1853
Champion, Elizabeth Jane about 1874
Champion, Ellen about 1843
Champion, Elmira Ellie March 29, 1884
Champion, Ethel May March 28, 1882
Champion, Gillman Merrill Benjamin October 9, 1861
Champion, Hannah Bentley August 16, 1851
Champion, Hannah Jane 1887
Champion, Helen Jean 1908
Champion, Isabel Maud  
Champion, James Barstoe M. D. 1876
Champion, James W. April 5, 1841
Champion, John 1840
Champion, John January 7, 1847
Champion, John Benjamin June 18, 1868
Champion, John D. 1814
Champion, Josiah Brooks August 25, 1873
Champion, Kate December 5, 1879
Champion, Laura Jane February 21, 1885
Champion, Margaret January 26, 1877
Champion, Margaret Jane 1859
Champion, Mary  
Champion, Mary Elizabeth May 10, 1865
Champion, Mary Margaret July 7, 1878
Champion, Melissa Ann May 18, 1870
Champion, Thomas C. February 23, 1851
Champion, William 1810
Champion, William Archibald February 19, 1849
Champion, William B.  
Champion, William Dunbar March 17, 1895
Champion, William H. January 17, 1877