
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ballum. Selecting the person's name will take you to that person's individual page.

Name Birth
Ballum, Albert 1907
Ballum, Alexander McDougall September 1868
Ballum, Alexander McDougall 1905
Ballum, Bernice April 9, 1903
Ballum, Celina Selina Jane 1894
Ballum, David Ira July 22, 1913
Ballum, Eliza Lucy Rose 1872
Ballum, Florence May January 1884
Ballum, Grace R. 1896
Ballum, Hannah Mary Rubelle February 24, 1867
Ballum, Harriet Victoria Hattie May 1881
Ballum, Howard Ansel January 10, 1900
Ballum, John  
Ballum, John Nicholas March 17, 1879
Ballum, John William July 24, 1898
Ballum, Kenneth Erskine 1901
Ballum, Lawrence Kingsley June 22, 1903
Ballum, Peter William 1851
Ballum, Sarah Priscilla  
Ballum, Thomas Rupert 1874